26 January 2006

The Heart Isn't the Only Thing Deceitful

Since I've gotten some messages about The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things from my list of DVDs of the week, I thought I might post some more information about the whole hoax.

Check this article

I can't figure out if Palm was waiting for all the shit to hit the fan to release Asia Argento's adaptation, or whether this just happens to be oddly-timed. Will it help the film? Perhaps it might draw people to see it. But perhaps it also might make a mockery of the subject-matter itself. While I was never particularly fond of the book, the subject of child molestation never makes for a good time. Though maybe a film about the hoax itself is on its way. After all, "JT" did fool a lot of people -- including Dennis Cooper -- but the article never mentions Ms. Argento, whom I have a shameless obsession with, so maybe she's in on the whole sham.


  1. Anonymous12:17 PM

    I think only James Frey has to be worried of being a joke. JT Leroy's book, even though he is just a persona, was never purported to be a memoir or truth and lots of it is fantastical. It was taking the "pen name" to a whole new level. They are good stories that stand fine on thier own but it becomes a horrible fraud when you push these stories as truth when you have other options such as Frey did.

  2. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Do you know when the movie is coming to St.Louis? I've been looking everywhere for information about it, but can't find anything. I really love the book. I wish I could afford to go to New York to see the movie.
