14 January 2009

Gettin' Gay with Kids (and Breillat and Van Sant) at Berlin

Another wave of titles have been announced for Berlin's Panorama section, including, most excitingly, a new film from Catherine Breillat entitled Barbe bleu. I was under the impression that Breillat's new film was to be a remake of her own Parfait amour! with Naomi Campbell; I really hope this project hasn't fallen through. In addition to Barbe bleu, her film Tapage nocturne [Nocturnal Uproar], starring Joe Dallesandro from 1979, will also be screening. Gus Van Sant will be there to show Milk, as well as the doc The Times of Harvey Milk. A pair of films about Quentin Crisp will also be screening in the Panorama this year: the documentary Resident Alien and The Naked Civil Servant, which stars John Hurt as Crisp. The other two films of note that were announced are the new film from Lucía Puenzo, El niño pez, which reunites her with XXY star Inés Efron, who is slowly becoming my favorite young actress and Michael Winterbottom's documentary The Shock Doctrine. Full report over at IndieWire.

1 comment:

  1. great post&photo.
    cant wait to see Breillat's take on Bluebeard.

    & wow, i had no idea there was even word of her doing film with Naomi. i would kill God to see that. even throughout childhood Naomi Campbell has been on my 'would-give-anything-to-fuck' list.
