21 February 2009

Oscar Pixxx

I'm not posting this to aid anyone in their own office pools or whatever, but as Mike from Heteroerotica and I have our own friendly bets going, I thought I'd follow his lead and post my ill-informed, half-assed Oscar predictions on the blog. I posted who I thought deserved to win earlier, so here is who I think will probably take the Gold. These are probably the expected choices, but who knows... maybe this year the Academy will throw us some exciting winners, as the nominees were anything but.

Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire [or Milk]
Director: Danny Boyle [or David Fincher]
Actor: Sean Penn [or Mickey Rourke]
Actress: Kate Winslet [or Anne Hathaway]
Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger [or Robert Downey, Jr.]
Supporting Actress: Penélope Cruz [or Amy Adams]
Original Screenplay: Milk [or WALL·E]
Adapted Screenplay: Slumdog Millionaire [or The Reader]
Foreign Film: The Class [or Waltz with Bashir]
Animated Feature: WALL·E [or Kung Fu Panda]
Documentary Feature: Man on Wire [or Encounters at the End of the World]
Cinematography: Slumdog Millionaire [or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button]
Editing: Slumdog Millionaire [or Milk, which really should win]
Art Direction: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button [or The Duchess]
Costume Design: The Duchess [or Revolutionary Road]
Make-up: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button [or Hellboy 2]
Original Score: Slumdog Millionaire [or Defiance]
Original Song: Slumdog Millionaire, "Jai Ho" [or Slumdog Millionaire, "O Saya"]
Sound: The Dark Knight [or Slumdog Millionaire]
Sound Editing: The Dark Knight [or Iron Man]
Visual Effects: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button [or The Dark Knight]

As for the short subjects, I didn't see any of the nominees, so I'll decide haphazardly the night of the show. I'll be watching the Independent Spirit Awards tomorrow afternoon...

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