10 February 2009

Où êtes-vous donc?

In honor of Jeremy Richey at Moon in the Gutter's dedication of February as "M.I.A. on Region 1 DVD" month, I've cultivated a list of twenty-eight (I assume this isn't a leap year; I didn't check) of my favorite films that have yet to be released on the format. I will hopefully write further on a number of these titles if I can dust of my VCR and/or get a chance to watch the DVD dubs I made of a number of them. They are in no particular order. As of right now, I'm still in the deciding stages of whether or not I want to establish a more definitive list of titles still M.I.A. in the US on DVD. PS: You can find #28 right here, so feel free to fill your endless need for Asia Argento.

1. Céline and Julie Go Boating [Céline et Julie vont en bateau] - dir. Jacques Rivette - 1974 - France

2. Play It As It Lays - dir. Frank Perry - 1972 - USA

3. Nowhere - dir. Gregg Araki - 1997 - USA/France

4. Trouble Every Day - dir. Claire Denis - 2001 - France/Germany/Japan

5. Johnny Guitar - dir. Nicholas Ray - 1954 - USA

6. The Devils - dir. Ken Russell - 1971 - UK

7. Taxidermia - dir. György Pálfi - 2006 - Hungary/Austria/France

8. Wise Blood - dir. John Huston - 1979 - USA/West Germany

9. Drowning by Numbers - dir. Peter Greenaway - 1988 - UK/Netherlands

10. The Garden - dir. Derek Jarman - 1990 - UK/Germany

11. The Addiction - dir. Abel Ferrara - 1995 - USA/Argentina

12. Labyrinth of Passion [Laberinto de pasiones] - dir. Pedro Almodóvar - 1982 - Spain

13. Rosetta - dir. Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne - 1999 - Belgium/France

14. La vie nouvelle [A New Life] - dir. Philippe Grandrieux - 2002 - France

15. The Passion of Darkly Noon - dir. Philip Ridley - 1995 - UK/Germany/Belgium

16. Ruby in Paradise - dir. Victor Nunez - 1993 - USA

17. Savage Nights [Les nuits fauves] - dir. Cyril Collard - 1992 - France/UK/Italy

18. Shy People - dir. Andrei Konchalovsky - 1987 - USA

19. Ploy - dir. Pen-ek Ratanaruang - 2007 - Thailand

20. Super 8½ - dir. Bruce La Bruce - 1995 - Canada/Germany/USA

21. Thieves [Les voleurs] - dir. André Téchiné - 1996 - France

22. Trust - dir. Hal Hartley - 1990 - USA/UK

23. Zéro de conduite [Zero for Conduct] - dir. Jean Vigo - 1933 - France

24. Interrogation [Przesluchanie] - dir. Ryszard Bugajski - 1982 - Poland

25. Boom! - dir. Joseph Losey - 1968 - UK

26. Summer with Monika [Sommaren med Monika] - dir. Ingmar Bergman - 1953 - Sweden

27. The Banishment [Izgnanie] - dir. Andrei Zvyagintsev - 2007 - Russia

28. Cindy, the Doll Is Mine - dir. Bertrand Bonello - 2005 - France


  1. For whatever it's worth, Criterion will be releasing at some unspecified time int he future: Summer with Monika, Zéro de conduite, Wise Blood. Less credible rumours also include The Devils.

  2. It is so f'ing absurd that these films are not on dvd in region one. Some of these dvd omissions make me really angry...

  3. Excellent list and I appreciate the link back to Moon in the Gutter. Some real favorites on here and a couple I might be covering myself as well. Thanks again...

  4. Also, I have added a link to this list at Moon in the Gutter for you. Thanks again for participating.

  5. Anonymous3:51 PM

    You've inspired me. I will be listing 28 more soon!

  6. I actually made some really serious omissions on the list, as I threw it together at the last minute.
