14 August 2009

Criterion + IFC...

After cluing a release of Steven Soderbergh's Che in an earlier newsletter, it looks official that Criterion and IFC have struck a pack, announcing two IFC titles for November: Arnaud Desplechin's A Christmas Tale [Un conte de Noël] and Matteo Garrone's Gomorrah [Gomorra]. Surprisingly though, Gomorrah is the only Blu-ray release set for November. Also announced Michael Ritchie's Downhill Racer (which continues Criterion's irritating trend toward putting actors' names on the box!) and a box-set entitled The Golden Age of Television, which includes eight tele-plays originally aired on PBS. I'll be fine with the IFC deal as long as that means I never have to see Alexander the Last on their coming soon list.

Also be sure to check out Nathan Lee's Top 10 Criterion releases which gives the company kudos for "putting the bone in bonus since 1984."


  1. Now you've got me hoping for Criterion editions of Hunger, Don't Touch the Axe, My Winnipeg... hell, maybe even Antichrist! This certainly beats that Faustian bargain they had previously made with Blockbuster.

    In short... damn my lust for Criterions, and damn IFC for encouraging it!

    (Also--is it just me, or does the Gomorrah cover make the film look like a Toho monster movie where giant semi-naked dudes tear through the city. Someone should really reconsider the design of that image.)

  2. All of those sound very appealing, Chuck, but the one I'm most hankering for would be a Criterion edition of Summer Hours.
