20 August 2009

Final Toronto '09 Titles: György Pálfi, Dogtooth, Ozon, von Trotta, Gitai

After weeks of slowly revealing its 2009 line-up, the final roster has been set, adding a number of notable world/North American premieres and some of the big names from Cannes and Venice. The Big Names: Claire Denis' White Material, Michael Haneke's The White Ribbon, Lars von Trier's Antichrist, Marco Bellocchio's Vincere, Yorgos Lanthimos' Dogtooth, Jaco Van Dormael's Mr. Nobody, Tales from the Golden Age. The world/North American premieres: György Pálfi's I Am Not Your Friend, Cesc Gay's V.O.S., Margarethe von Trotta's Vision, François Ozon's Le refuge, Amos Gitai's Carmel. All of the final additions are below. Check out TIFF's official site for all the titles, and expect the second round of posters soon.


- Antichrist - d. Lars von Trier
- Carmel - d. Amos Gitai
- Honeymoons [Medeni mesec] - d. Goran Paskaljevic (How Harry Became a Tree)
- Hotel Atlântico - d. Suzana Amaral
- Melody for a Street Organ - d. Kira Muratova (The Asthenic Syndrome)
- Le refuge - d. François Ozon - w. Isabelle Carré, Melvil Poupaud
- Vincere - d. Marco Bellocchio
- Vision [Vision - Aus dem Leben der Hildegard von Bingen] - d. Margarethe von Trotta - w. Barbara Sukowa, Heino Ferch
- White Material - d. Claire Denis
- The White Ribbon [Das weiße Band] - d. Michael Haneke
- The Window - d. Buddhadeb Dasgupta (A Tale of a Naughty Girl)

Contemporary World Cinema

- 25 Carats [25 kilates] - d. Patxi Amézcua
- Adrift - d. Bui Thac Chuyên (Living in Fear)
- Ajami - d. Scandar Copti, Yaron Shani
- At the End of Daybreak - d. Ho Yuhang (Rain Dogs)
- Backyard [El traspatio] - d. Carlos Carrera (The Crime of Padre Amaro) - w. Jimmy Smits
- Balibo - d. Robert Connolly (The Bank) - w. Anthony LaPaglia
- Bran Nue Dae - d. Rachel Perkins (One Night the Moon) - w. Geoffrey Rush
- Castaway on the Moon - d. Lee Hey-jun
- Cell 211 [Celda 211] - d. Daniel Monzón (The Kovak Box) - w. Luis Tosar, Carlos Bardem
- Deliver Us from Evil [Fri os fra det onde] - d. Ole Bornedal (Nightwatch)
- Dogtooth - d. Yorgos Lanthimos
- The Double Hour [La doppia ora] - d. Giuseppe Capotondi
- Help Gone Mad - d. Boris Khlebnikov (Roads to Koktebel)
- I Am Not Your Friend [Nem vagyok a barátod] - d. György Pálfi (Taxidermia, Hukkle)
- If I Knew What You Said - d. Mike Sandejas (Just Like Before)
- Jean Charles - d. Henrique Goldman (Princesa)
- The Last Days of Emma Blank [De laatste dagen van Emma Blank] - d. Alex van Warmerdam (The Dress, Little Tony) - w. van Warmerdam
- My Year Without Sex - d. Sarah Watt (Look Both Ways)
- Le père de mes enfants - d. Mia Hansen-Løve (Tout est pardonné)
- Prince of Tears - d. Yonfan (Bishonen)
- Same Same But Different - d. Detlev Buck (23 Tage) - w. David Kross
- The Search - d. Wan Ma Cai Dan
- Tales from the Golden Age - d. Cristian Mungiu, Ioana Maria Uricaru, Hanno Hoefer, Razvan Marculescu, Constantin Popescu
- V.O.S. - d. Cesc Gay (Nico & Dani)


- Crab Trap [El vuelco del Cangrejo] - d. Oscar Ruiz Navia
- Mall Girls [Galerianki] - d. Matarzyna Roslaniec
- The Man Beyond the Bridge - d. Laxmikant Shetgaonkar
- Nora - d. Alla Kovgan, David Hinton
- Saint Louis Blues [Un transport en commun] - d. Dyana Gaye


- Mr. Nobody - d. Jaco Van Dormael [part of the Special Presentations section]
- She, a Chinese - d. Guo Xiaolu (How Is Your Fish Today?) - w. Huang Lu [part of the Vanguard section]

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