I'm on my way up to Chicago to cross one of my life goals off the list: seeing PJ Harvey live. After having tickets for three of her shows that were canceled during her
Uh Huh Her tour, I finally have my chance, which has been quite a
long time coming. I may not update for the next couple days (then again, maybe I will). If you haven't checked it out already, I highly recommend PJ and John Parish's latest album
A Woman, A Man Walked By, which ranks among the best music releases this year, along with Fever Ray's
Fever Ray, Animal Collective's
Merriweather Post Pavillion, Grizzly Bear's
Veckatimest and Bat for Lashes'
Two Suns. I'm always down for new music recommendations as well, so toss 'em my way.
You have a life goals list? :)
I missed her while she was in new york city. I was bitchin' for a week. I'm still upset but I know I will see her in her next tour for sure. I'm ready to trample some bitches for my ticket to the Fever Ray show on the 23rd though.
Get there as early as you possibly can, this way you can get close up and try to see what she smells like. And then maybe we can gossip about it if I'm in the mood to forgive you for not having emailed me back. EVER.
I'm not sure it it will catch your fancy, but the new album from Beirut is fantastic.
I hate to admit it... I've tried to get into the Animal Collective frenzy, but their stuff just doesn't do it for me.
The new Fever Ray, AC, and Grizzly Bear are really fantastic, but I can't say I'm all that much of a Bat For Lashes fan-- just an alright record for me.
Long-winded recommendations-
Phoenix- Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Dan Deacon- Bromst
Amadou & Mariam- Welcome To Mali
Camera Obscura- My Maudlin Career
Dirty Projectors- Bitte Orca
Mos Def's new one
Oh, and check out Post-Nothing, by Japandroids
SUCH a great record.
You're probably right, Chazz. I think I included Bat for Lashes' album on there before giving it a serious listen, and it isn't a "great" album. I like Phoenix's record, but not enthusiastically.
And Joseph, I do like the new Beirut as well, though I was skeptical at first with all the electronics.
Listen to Deerhunter. Amazing.
Oh, I'm down with Deerhunter. For sure. And Atlas Sound as well.
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