1. Presque rien (Come Undone) [d. Sébastien Lifshitz]
2. Songs from the Second Floor (Sånger från andra våningen) [d. Roy Andersson]
3. Dancer in the Dark [d. Lars von Trier]
4. Water Drops on Burning Rocks (Gouttes d'eau sur pierres brûlantes) [d. François Ozon]
5. Code Unknown (Code inconnu: Récit incomplet de divers voyages) [d. Michael Haneke]
6. In the Mood for Love [d. Wong Kar-wai]
7. George Washington [d. David Gordon Green]
8. Under the Sand (Sous le sable) [d. François Ozon]
9. La fidélité [d. Andrzej Żuławski]
10. Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV [d. Lloyd Kaufman]
Great list. You have good taste.
Thank you!
It's not often someone uses the term "good taste" when Citizen Toxie falls on the list.
No love for Yi Yi? I still need to see it.
I hang my head in shame, Eric. I still haven't watched it.
How about Devils on the Doorstep? That and O Brother Where Art Thou? would top my own list for that year.
I agree with anonymous; an excellent list! In fact a good number of these would probably end up on a list of my own; Songs from the Second Floor, Dancer in the Dark, Code Unknown, In the Mood for Love and Under the Sand in particular.
I don't remember much about Citizen Toxie. All I can recall is some old lady attempting to cross the street and eventually getting her head crushed by a speeding car... if that's even the right one?
Samuel, I'll have to add Devils on the Doorstep to my viewing queue; as for O Brother, I think it's fine, but not one of my favorites from that year or from the Coens.
Linden, that's the one! I wish I knew how to rip scenes from DVDs, because the Citizen Kane newsreel parody is brilliant. I believe a man gets his head crushed by a pair of large breasts.
This makes me think Come Undone is more than just softcore...
That's because it is much more than just eye candy.
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