Best Picture: Slumdog Millionaire [or Milk]
Director: Danny Boyle [or David Fincher]
Actor: Sean Penn [or Mickey Rourke]
Actress: Kate Winslet [or Anne Hathaway]
Supporting Actor: Heath Ledger [or Robert Downey, Jr.]
Supporting Actress: Penélope Cruz [or Amy Adams]
Original Screenplay: Milk [or WALL·E]
Adapted Screenplay: Slumdog Millionaire [or The Reader]
Foreign Film: The Class [or Waltz with Bashir]
Animated Feature: WALL·E [or Kung Fu Panda]
Documentary Feature: Man on Wire [or Encounters at the End of the World]
Cinematography: Slumdog Millionaire [or The Curious Case of Benjamin Button]
Editing: Slumdog Millionaire [or Milk, which really should win]
Art Direction: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button [or The Duchess]
Costume Design: The Duchess [or Revolutionary Road]
Make-up: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button [or Hellboy 2]
Original Score: Slumdog Millionaire [or Defiance]
Original Song: Slumdog Millionaire, "Jai Ho" [or Slumdog Millionaire, "O Saya"]
Sound: The Dark Knight [or Slumdog Millionaire]
Sound Editing: The Dark Knight [or Iron Man]
Visual Effects: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button [or The Dark Knight]
As for the short subjects, I didn't see any of the nominees, so I'll decide haphazardly the night of the show. I'll be watching the Independent Spirit Awards tomorrow afternoon...
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