Agatha - dir. Michael Apted - with Dustin Hoffman, Vanessa Redgrave, Timothy Dalton - UK - Warner
Amor Bandido - dir. Bruno Barreto - Brazil - UNK
Associate, The [Associé, L’] - dir. René Gainville - with Michel Serrault - France/Hungary/West Germany - First Run Features
Luna, La - dir. Bernardo Bertolucci - with Jill Clayburgh, Alida Valli, Matthew Barry - Italy - 20th Century Fox

We Were One Man [Nous étions un seul homme] - dir Philippe Vallois - with Serge Avedikian, Piotr Stanislas - France - UNK
Wise Blood - dir. John Huston - with Brad Dourif, Huston, Harry Dean Stanton - USA/West Germanu - Universal
Behind Convent Walls [Interno di un convento] - dir. Walerian Borowczyk - Italy - UNK
Blood Relatives [Liens de sang, Les] - dir. Claude Chabrol - with Donald Sutherland, Donald Pleasence - France/Canada - MGM
Coming of Sin, The [Visita del vicio, La] [aka Violation of the Bitch, The] - dir. José Ramón Larraz - Spain - UNK
Despair - dir. Rainer Werner Fassbinder - with Dirk Bogarde, Andréa Ferréol - West Germany/France - Warner
Diputado, El - dir. Eloy de la Iglesia - Spain - UNK

Night Full of Rain [Fine del mondo nel nostro solito letto in una notte piena di pioggia, La] - dir. Lina Wertmüller - with Giancarlo Giannini, Candice Bergen - Italy/USA/Canada - Warner
Rendez-vois d’Anna, Les - dir. Chantal Akerman - with Aurore Clément - France - World Artists
Roads to the South [Routes du sud, Les] - dir. Joseph Losey - with Yves Montand, Miou-Miou - France/Spain - UNK
Boyfriend, The - dir. Ken Russell - with Twiggy, Glenda Jackson - UK/USA - Warner
Lacemaker, The [Dentellière, La] - dir. Claude Goretta - with Isabelle Huppert - France/Switzerland/West Germany - Home Vision
Devil, Probably, The [Diable, probablement, Le] - dir. Robert Bresson - France - New Yorker
Looking for Mr. Goodbar - dir. Richard Brooks - with Diane Keaton, Tuesday Weld, Tom Berenger, Richard Gere - USA - Paramount
News from Home - dir. Chantal Akerman - France - World Artists

Providence - dir. Alain Resnais - with Dirk Bogarde, Ellen Burstyn, John Gielgud - France/Switzerland - UNK
This Sweet Sickness [Dites-lui que je l’aime] - dir. Claude Miller - with Gérard Depardieu, Miou-Miou - France - UNK
Travelling Players, The [Thiasos, O] - dir. Theo Angelopoulos - Greece - UNK
Valentino - dir. Ken Russell - with Rudolf Nureyev, Carol Kane, Seymour Cassel - UK/USA - MGM
Berceau de cristal - dir. Philippe Garrel - with Garrel, Nico, Pierre Clémenti, Anita Wallenberg - France - UNK
Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands [Dona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos] - dir. Bruno Barreto - with Sonia Braga - Brazil - New Yorker
Dracula, Father and Son [Dracula, père et fils] - dir. Edouard Molinaro - with Christopher Lee, Catherine Breillat - France - GoodTimes
Face to Face [Ansikte mot ansikte] - dir. Ingmar Bergman - with Liv Ullman, Erland Josephson, Gunnar Björnstrand - Sweden - Paramount
Fellini’s Casanova - dir. Federico Fellini - with Donald Sutherland, Tina Aumont - Italy/USA - UNK

Je t’aime moi non plus - dir. Serge Gainsbourg - with Jane Birkin, Joe Dallesandro, Gérard Depardieu - France - UNK
Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles - dir. Chantal Akerman - with Delphine Seyrig - France - UNK
Innocente, L’ - dir. Luchino Visconti - with Giancarlo Giannini - Italy/France - UNK
Shadow of Angels [Schatten der Engel] - dir. Daniel Schmid - with Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Ingrid Caven, Ulli Lommel, Irm Hermann, Harry Baer - West Germany/Switzerland - UNK
Black Moon - dir. Louis Malle - with Joe Dallesandro - France/West Germany - UNK
Cousin, cousine - dir. John Charles Tacchella - France - Criterion?
Immortal Bachelor, The [A mezzanotte va la ronda del piacere] - dir. Marcello Fondato - with Giancarlo Giannini, Monica Vitti, Claudia Cardinale - Italy - UNK
India Song - dir. Marguerite Duras - with Delphine Seyrig, Mathieu Carrière - France - UNK
Lisztomania - dir. Ken Russell - with Roger Daltry, Ringo Starr - USA/UK - Warner
Céline and Julie Go Boating [Céline et Julie vont en bateau] - dir. Jacques Rivette - France - New Yorker
Conversation Piece [Gruppo di famiglia in un interno] - dir. Luchino Visconti - with Burt Lancaster, Helmut Berger, Silvana Mangano - Italy/France - New Line Cinema
Hautes solitudes, Les - dir. Philippe Garrel - with Jean Seaberg, Nico, Tina Aumont - France - UNK
Je, tu, il, elle - dir. Chantal Akerman - with Akerman - France - World Artists
Karl May - dir. Hans-Jürgen Syberberg - West Germany - UNK
Profumo di donna - dir. Dino Risi - with Vittorio Gassman - Italy - 20th Century Fox [Remade as Scent of a Woman]
Doll’s House, A - dir. Joseph Losey - with Jane Fonda, Edward Fox, David Warner, Trevor Howard, Delphine Seyrig - UK/France - UNK
Hireling, The - dir. Alan Bridges - with Sarah Miles - UK - Sony
Mother and the Whore, The [Maman et la putain, La] - dir. Jean Eustache - with Jean-Pierre Léaud - France - New Yorker
Wedding in Blood [Noces rouges, Les] - dir. Claude Chabrol - Stéphane Audran, Michel Piccoli - France/Italy - New Line Cinema
China - dir. Michelangelo Antonioni - USA - UNK
Inner Scar, The [Cicatrice intérieure, La] - dir. Philippe Garrel - with Garrel, Nico, Pierre Clémenti - France - UNK
Ludwig - dir. Luchino Visconti - with Helmut Berger, Trevor Howard, Silvana Mangano - Italy/France/West Germany - MGM
Ludwig: Requiem for a Virgin King [Ludwig - Requiem für einen jungfräulichen König]- dir. Hans-Jürgen Syberberg - with Harry Baer, Ingrid Caven - West Germany - UNK

Play It As It Lays - dir. Frank Perry - with Tuesday Weld, Anthony Perkins - USA - Universal
Savage Messiah - dir. Ken Russell - with Helen Mirren - UK - Warner
What? - dir. Roman Polanski - with Marcello Mastroianni - Italy/France/West Germany - UNK
Apprentice, The [Fleur bleue] - dir. Larry Kent - with Susan Sarandon, Steve Fiset, Carole Laure - Canada - Koch
Ciao, Federico! - dir. Gideon Bachman - with Fellini, Roman Polanski, Giulietta Masina, Hiram Keller, Sharon Tate - Italy/USA/Sweden - Mystic Fire Video
Devils, The - dir. Ken Russell - with Vanessa Redgrave, Oliver Reed - UK - Warner
Drive, He Said - dir. Jack Nicholson - with Robert Towne, Karen Black, Henry Jaglom, Bruce Dern - USA - Sony
Family Life - dir. Ken Loach - UK - Sony
Four Nights of a Dreamer [Quatre nuits d‘un rêveur] - dir. Robert Bresson - France - New Yorker

Secret Fantasy [Merlo maschio, Il] - dir Pasquale Festa Campanile - Italy - UNK
Taking Off - dir. Milos Forman - with Buck Henry - USA - Universal
Third Part of the Night, The [Trzecia część nocy] - dir. Andrzej Żuławski - Poland - UNK
Willard - dir. Daniel Mann - with Bruce Davison, Ernest Borgnine - USA - Paramount
Boys in the Band, The - dir. William Friedkin - USA - 20th Century Fox
Brewster McCloud - dir. Robert Altman - with Bud Cort, Shelley Duvall - MGM/Warner?
Diary of a Mad Housewife - dir. Frank Perry - with Richard Benjamin, Carrie Snodgrass, Frank Langella - USA - Universal
Dodes’ka-den - dir. Akira Kurosawa - Japan - Criterion?
Dorian Gray - dir. Massimo Dallamano - with Helmut Berger, Herbert Lom, Richard Todd, Maria Rohm - Italy/UK/West Germany - Lionsgate

Husbands - dir. John Cassavetes - with Ben Gazzara, Peter Falk, Cassavetes, Jenny Runacre - USA - Sony
Ice - dir. Robert Kramer - with Kramer - USA - New Yorker
Jonathan - dir. Hans W. Geissendörfer - West Germany - New Yorker
Landlord, The - dir. Hal Ashby - with Beau Bridges, Lee Grant - USA - MGM/Warner?

Music Lovers, The - dir. Ken Russell - with Glenda Jackson, Richard Chamberlain - UK - MGM/Warner?
Notes for an African Orestes [Appunti per un’Orestiade africana] - dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini - Italy - UNK
Tristana - dir. Luis Buñuel - with Catherine Deneuve - Spain/France/Italy - Criterion?
Zabriskie Point - dir. Michelangelo Antonioni - USA - Warner
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