Amour fou, L’ - dir. Jacques Rivette - with Bulle Ogier, Jean-Pierre Kalfon - France - New Yorker
Blue Movie [aka Fuck] - dir. Andy Warhol - with Viva - USA - UNK
Gentle Woman, A [Une femme douce] - dir. Robert Bresson - with Dominique Sanda - France - New Yorker

Rain People, The - dir. Francis Ford Coppola - with James Caan, Shirley Knight, Robert Duvall - USA - Warner
Rite, The [Riten] - dir. Ingmar Bergman - with Bergman, Ingrid Thulin, Gunnar Björnstrand - Sweden - Criterion/Eclipse
Benjamin - dir. Michel Deville - with Catherine Deneuve, Pierre Clémenti - France - Paramount
Birthday Party, The - dir. William Friedkin - UK - UNK
Boom! - dir. Joseph Losey - with Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, Noel Coward - UK - Universal
Innocence Unprotected [Nevinost bez zastite]- dir. Dusan Makavejev - Yugoslavia - Facets
Isadora - dir. Karel Reisz - with Vanessa Redrgave, James Fox, Jason Robards - UK/France - Universal

Memories of Underdevelopment [Memorias del subdesarrollo] - dir. Tomás Gutiérrez Alea - Cuba - New Yorker
Naked Childhood [Enfance nue, L‘]- dir. Maurice Pialat - France - UNK
Negatives - dir. Peter Medak - with Glenda Jackson - UK - UNK
Secret Ceremony - dir. Joseph Losey - with Elizbeth Taylor, Mia Farrow, Robert Mitchum - UK - Universal
Accident - dir. Joseph Losey - with Dirk Bogarde - UK - UNK
Chinoise, La - dir. Jean-Luc Godard - with Jean-Pierre Léaud, Anne Wiazemsky - France - Lionsgate?
Far from the Madding Crowd - dir. John Schlesinger - with Julie Christie, Terence Stamp, Peter Finch, Alan Bates - UK - Warner
I, a Man - dir. Paul Morrissey, Andy Warhol - with Tom Baker, Nico, Valerie Solanis, Ingrid Superstar, Ultra Violet - USA - UNK
Love Affair; or The Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator [Ljubavni slucaj ili tragedija sluzbenice P.T.T.] - dir. Dusan Makavejev - Yugoslavia - Facets

Portrait of Jason, A - dir. Shirley Clarke - USA - UNK
Stranger, The [Straniero, Lo] - dir. Luchino Visconti - with Marcello Mastroianni, Anna Karina - Italy/France/Algeria - Paramount
Thief, The [Voleur, Le] - dir. Louis Malle - with Jean-Paul Belmondo, Geneviève Bujold - France/Italy - MGM/Warner?
Two or Three Things I Know About Her… [Deux ou trois choses que je sais d‘elle] - dir. Jean-Luc Godard - France - Criterion
Chelsea Girls - dir. Paul Morrissey, Andy Warhol - with Nico, Brigid Berlin, Gerard Malanga, Edie Sedgwick, Mary Woronov - USA - UNK
Cul-de-sac - dir. Roman Polanski - with Donald Pleasance, Jacqueline Bisset - UK - UNK
Made in U.S.A. - dir. Jean-Luc Godard - with Jean-Pierre Léaud, Anna Karina, Marianne Faithfull - France - UNK
Rise of Louis XIV, The [Prise de pouvoir par Louis XVI, La] - dir. Roberto Rossellini - France - UNK

Bonheur, Le - dir. Agnès Varda - France - UNK
Chimes at Midnight [Campanulas a medianoche] - dir. Orson Welles - with Welles, Jeanne Moreau, John Gielgud - Spain/France/Switzerland - UNK
Koumiko Mystery, The [Mystère Koumiko, Le] - dir. Chris Marker - France - New Yorker
Man Is Not a Bird [Covek nije tica] - dir. Dusan Makavejev - Yugoslavia - Facets

Six in Paris [Paris vu par…] - dir. Claude Chabrol, Jean Douchet, Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Daniel Pollet, Eric Rohmer, Jean Rouch - with Barbet Schroeder - France - New Yorker
She - dir. Robert Day - with Ursula Andress, Peter Cushing, John Richardson, Christopher Lee - UK - Warner
Simon of the Desert [Simón del desierto] - dir. Luis Buñuel - Mexico - Criterion
All These Women [För att inte tala om alla dessa kvinnor] - dir. Ingmar Bergman - with Bibi Andersson, Harriet Andersson, Eva Dahlbeck - Sweden - Criterion/Eclipse?
Before the Revolution [Prima della rivoluzione] - dir. Bernardo Bertolucci - Italy - Criterion 08, likely
Child Is Waiting, A - dir. John Cassavetes - with Burt Lancaster, Judy Garland, Gena Rowlands - USA - MGM
Empty Canvas, The [Noia, La] - dir. Damiano Damiani - with Bette Davis - Italy - UNK
Feut follet, Le - dir. Louis Malle - France/Italy - Criterion
Flaming Creatures - dir. Jack Smith - USA - Who knows? It’ll never be released
Ro.Go.Pa.G. - dir. Jean-Luc Godard, Ugo Gregoretti, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Robert Rossellini - with Orson Welles, Ugo Tognazzi, Laura Betti - Italy - Kino
Autumn Afternoon, An - dir. Yasujuro Ozu - Japan - Criterion
Exterminating Angel, The [Ángel exterminador, El] - dir. Luis Buñuel - Mexico - Criterion
Blood and Roses [Et mourir de plaisir] - dir. Roger Vadim - France/Italy - Paramount
Cruel Story of Youth - dir. Nagisa Oshima - Japan - New Yorker
Devil’s Eye [Djävulens öga] - dir. Ingmar Bergman - with Bibi Andersson - Sweden - Criterion/Eclipse

Romeo, Juliet, and Darkness [Romeo, Julia a tma] - dir. Jirí Weiss - Czechoslovakia - Facets
Zazie dans le métro - dir. Louis Malle - France - Criterion
New Yorker is definitely a war criminal when it comes to DVD releases. Though here are some corrections:
La Chinoise and Made in U.S.A. are both criterion properties.
These are all Janus/Criterion:
Simon of the Desert [Simón del desierto] - dir. Luis Buñuel - Mexico - UNK
Feut follet, Le - dir. Louis Malle - France/Italy - New Yorker
Autumn Afternoon, An - dir. Yasujuro Ozu - Japan - New Yorker
Exterminating Angel, The [Ángel exterminador, El] - dir. Luis Buñuel - Mexico - Criterion?
Paris nous appartient - dir. Jacques Rivette - France - UNK
Zazie dans le métro - dir. Louis Malle - France - New Yorker
Janus bought a bunch of New Yorker titles at one point, though mostly just the Ozus and the Malles.
Dare I add a few more titles to your list:
Red Desert
The Nun
Don't Drink the Water
I didn't include Red Desert because it has been available previously (same for Last Year at Marienbad), but you know I'm pining for a new version of it more than just about every film I've listed thus far.
One more title for 1962: Proces de Jeanne d'Arc
Proces de Jeanne d'Arc has already made the "whoops, forgot-aboutchu" list. But thanks!
Dear Josephus,
I had the chance to see Je t'aime, Je t'aime today, introduced by Jean-Michel Frodon (!), editor of Cahiers. Oh. My. God. There was a talk with Arnaud Desplechin afterwards, but I had to leave because I was crying.
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