Here are some more DVD updates. Unfortunately, I've been rather busy in a job hunt, so I haven't had time to review a bunch of films as I'd like to. So, hopefully this will hold you over. Oh, and if you have any fine job suggestions, send 'em my way!

IFC has announced their October releases, which includes a new date for the Palme d'Or winner
4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days for the 14th. The June release was delayed, although the film is available for rent at Netflix, seeing as how their Red Envelope Entertainment co-released the film. Gus Van Sant's
Paranoid Park and Hou Hsiaso-hsien's
Flight of the Red Balloon will also hit shelves on the 7th and 21st respectively.

The Weinstein Company has also announced
Boy A, which is hitting theatres right now, for 7 October; the film, directed by John Crowley (
Intermission) and starring Peter Mullan, has received some positive notices from critics. Through Dimension, they will also be releasing
Hell Ride just in time for Halloween on the 28th. The violent biker film looks like it'll skip a theatrical release and head straight to video. It stars Dennis Hopper, Vinnie Jones, Michael Madsen and Eric Balfour.
Elite Squad [
Tropa de Elite] from Brazil will also be out on 14 October; the film won this year's Golden Bear at the Berlin International Film Festival.

As previously mentioned by
Eric, Luchino Visconti's
Ludwig, starring Helmut Berger, will be out on 14 October from Koch Lorber. The film will be presented uncut and contain two-discs. I'm sure you've already read about this, but MGM will release their long-overdue
Hitchcock boxset on the same day. The set includes:
Lodger: A Story of the London Fog,
The Paradine Case,
Young and Innocent,
Sabotage and

AnimEigo will release Kon Ichikawa's
Revenge of a Kabuki Actor, formerly known as
An Actor's Revenge, on 14 October. Sommerhouse, a division of Koch Vision, has re-announced
The Apprentice, aka Fleur bleu, starring a young Susan Sarandon for the same date. Tarsem's
The Fall, starring Lee Pace, will be released by Sony on 9 September. Wolfe will release Jamie Babbit's
Itty Bitty Titty Committee on 2 September.

Fox will release as part of their film noir set
Moontide, directed by Archie Mayo and an uncredited Fritz Lang and starring Jean Gabin and Ida Lupino, and
Road House, directed by Jean Negulesco and starring Lupino and Richard Widmark, for 2 September. And finally, TLA is releasing Hormoz's
I Dreamt Under Water [
J'ai rêvé sous l'eau], which co-stars Caroline Ducey (
Romance) and is an extension of his short film of the same name, on 30 September.
UPDATE: Eric was right. MGM will also release Elia Kazan's
Boomerang on 2 September as part of the Fox Film Noir collection. Thanks! Also, I forgot to mention, if you want overkill, The Weinstein Company will also have a 3-disc set of Rob Zombie's
Halloween sometime in October.
Is Fox not also releasing Boomerang with Moontide and Road House? I might have imagined reading that.
Looking forward to taking another look at the HHH, but man, I really can't wait to take another crack at the Rivette, I wonder what's taking IFC so long.
Eric, you're right. I don't know how I missed Boomerang.
Also, I suspect The Duchess of Langeais will be out in November from IFC, though, yes, it sure is taking them a long time. It also took them a while for Paranoid Park.
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