I've been checking up on a couple of DVD releases this morning, and I've noticed there's a bunch of niche studios that seem to have disappeared. Tartan USA, once a division of TLA and then the Weinsteins, has canceled all of their titles in the past year. Fantoma hasn't done anything since Kenneth Anger Vol. 2. Palm released
Summer Palace a few months ago but haven't announced anything else since. Does Home Vision even exist anymore? Perhaps Warner's shutting down of Picturehouse and Warner Independent has put this into my head, but this is still disconcerting. If anyone has any solid information, please let me know.
Update: I guess Palm isn't dead because they just bought the rights to the Patti Smith doc,
Patti Smith: Dream of Life. I suppose they're just keeping it low-key as of lately.
I've noticed this as well. Fantoma especially has been pretty low-key as of lately. I emailed them a few months ago and they said they were actively working to put together some more films, so maybe they are just slow.
And is No Shame officially dead?
Thanks Eric. NoShame was another studio I was trying to think of. I haven't heard anything from them in a long time, so my guess would be 'yes.'
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